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A Wonderful Update on Fisher

A Wonderful Update on Fisher

There were more “Joys of the Week”, but this post is just about one because “Fisher” deserves his own space! When some shrug their shoulders and roll their eyes telling me there are simply too many animals suffering to make…

Turning Conflict into Coexistence

We live and work in the rice-farming villages of rural Sri Lanka. Every day we’re exposed to all sides of all of the stories and only one thing is perfectly clear: that the situation is getting worse for both elephants…

Looking beyond first glance

Looking beyond first glance

The first story seen is not the whole story being told… Confronted with suffering around every bend, it’s easy to judge and submerge oneself in anger, but looking deeper it’s possible to see that those who have few-to-no options are…

Light up the Night

We’ve begun setting up motion-sensor lights around test farms that have sustained recent crop-loss from several bull elephants.  Different wattages, different angles and heights, and reflective tape hanging from the wires are being installed. Keeping subsistence farmers safe helps keep…

When You Can’t Turn Away

When I finally found the elephant I had traveled half way around the world to meet, she really wasn’t much of an elephant any more. That little Temple Elephant swaying and straining against her chains slid into that scarred space…

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