Revisiting Khmer’s “Last Street Elephant”
It was our first trip to Cambodia over 10 years ago when we came upon the last “street elephant” working…
An Update to our “Elephants Can’t Read” Campaign
Elephants can’t read, but these kids living in the last wild elephant lands of Cambodia sure can! In 2018 we…
Five Freedoms Project begins with Art!
The Five Freedoms for Elephants in Captivity Talking about “freedoms” when there are thousands of elephants living in captivity might…
101,800 Baht (over $3,000 USD) have been raised, and now your donations are turning into blankets and food as I…
Corruption Continues in Sri Lanka’s National Parks
Another wild elephant stolen from family and found tightly bound, unable to move, terrified and alone, while the politically-savvy wildlife…
It’s “World Elephant Day”…
It’s “World Elephant Day”… Maybe you’ve learned to love them via educational programming or years spent working in the field…
Gathering the family…
Last night here in Thailand, several chained elephants were tragically killed by a tree crashing down in a sudden fierce…
Endangered Species Day
Today is “Endangered Species Day”. Such animals are, by the very nature of that title, under tremendous threat. And conserving…
What a Year
What a year, no? Whew...And yet, there is so much worthy of our love, and of our devotion to create…
Stillborn Twins, RIP
Although we remain grounded in Thailand busily working with street animals and Canvassing for Change for cruelty-free practices once tourism…
Elephants in Entertainment
We were on our way from Sri Lanka to a short research trip in Sumatra, and like others who work…
A Wonderful Update on Fisher
There were more “Joys of the Week”, but this post is just about one because “Fisher” deserves his own space!…
The DWC: Treating a Wild Elephant in his Wild Home
One quick minute out of a day spent with the stellar team of the Department of Wildlife Conservation, as they…
Turning Conflict into Coexistence
We live and work in the rice-farming villages of rural Sri Lanka. Every day we’re exposed to all sides of…
Looking beyond first glance
The first story seen is not the whole story being told... Confronted with suffering around every bend, it’s easy to…
Grazing in Rubbish
With wild elephants foraging for food in smoldering trash heaps filled with endless plastic, broken bottles, batteries, etc, we witness…
Sri Lankan Civilians Receive shotguns to “control” the elephant issue
2019 was the deadliest year for elephants since Sri Lanka's Independence in 1948, with over 350 elephants losing their lives,…
Seeing Elephants at Sunset
Yesterday’s gift was breathing with wild elephant families at sunset. A surreal experience and an exquisite reminder of what so…
“Tears of Giants”: New Documentary by CES
Steadfast and relentless action for Sri Lanka’s captive elephants by our friends from the Centre for Eco-Cultural Studies, now being…
The Cambodian Library, 2 Years on!
Almost 2 years ago we built a much-needed library for the Bunnong children who live in the elephant lands of…
Take it off the Bucket List
“Elephants in Captivity” is a complicated topic, with many countries entangled in its web via logging, patrolling, temple duties, and/or…
Isuru and his Amma
Isuru and his Amma are quite extraordinary. They live a km or so away, alone in a dark brick house…
The Wonder of the Wild Ones
The wonder of the wild ones. I watch them and they watch me, and who knows who is really saving…
A Playground in the Jungle!
There is a little one-room school in the middle of wild-elephant lands that has always held my heart. To be…
Why Dogs With Heart?
Why Dogs With Heart? This is why. This forsaken dog off the side of the road I met yesterday on…
Treating the Wild Ones in the Field
Working alongside the Department of Wildlife Conservation, we spent a rather amazing day in the world of tracking/darting/treating a wild…
Dogs With Heart = Kindness to All
Rolling out our new “Dogs With Heart” project logo as we prepare for the 3rd clinic in less than 2…
Remembering Why We Do What We Do
A sunset spent witnessing wild elephants in their wild homes is a surreal experience, and an exquisite reminder of what…
Light up the Night
We’ve begun setting up motion-sensor lights around test farms that have sustained recent crop-loss from several bull elephants. Different wattages,…
1 Village, 91 Dogs, and 6 cats!
“Dogs With Heart”, a project from Heart of Ganesh and The Elephant Love Project, held the first Mobile Medical Outreach…
Dogs With Heart
Tomorrow we begin implementing “Dogs With Heart”. Many will say that to even begin such a project in a rural…
Project Report: Putrom 2, Cambodia
It was so good to see the kids from Putrom 2 again, the 2nd year Heart of Ganesh has supported…
Back in Cambodia!
We’re back in Cambodia now, ready to take our “Elephants Can’t Read” project to the next level! Meeting with the Community…
Elephants are not “parts”…
We’re back in Thailand now after a challenging time working in Myanmar on several deeply saddening elephant situations. The trade…
Their Glowing Hands
I’m walking home along the narrow road to the guesthouse after a long day in the field, and a motorbike…
The challenges reveal themselves…
It’s been a very gut-wrenching week, filled with deep sadness at the suffering of so many animals, and the recognition…
The Heart in Myanmar
We’ve arrived in Myanmar, and and although current governmental humanitarian issues challenge visiting, it’s a country filled with friendly people,…
It’s not just about the elephant…
We’re in Southern Thailand again, sharing the word about Humane Tourism for the upcoming “high-season” when hoards tourists come to…
The Heart is on the Road Again
Leaving Sri Lanka was especially bitter-sweet this year as friends new and old enveloped us in elephant-sized love, and the…
Tree Huts, Tree Huts, Everywhere Tree Huts!
It may seem like a romantic notion , to have a tree hut off the edge of a national park…
Food for Thought
In a world where human population is growing and elephant habitat is shrinking, raising families (both elephant and human) is…
A “HOT” check-up!
We’re currently checking up on the families (of farmers and elephants) that live a little too close for comfort in…
Preparing for Ganga’s Day in Court
These are the conditions Ganga is currently forced to endure: chained up all alone in the back of an empty…
The Heart is on the Road Again!
After a truly inspiring and amazing 7 months in Cambodia, we’re on our way back to Sri Lanka. A full…
Before, After, and Boundless Compassionate Action in the Middle!
We’ve wrapped up Phase One of our educational projects in the elephant lands of rural Cambodia, and what a wild…
Some things get lost in translation…
Opening Day for our Library in Putrom 2 Primary School is slated for March 23rd! We’re so excited to bring…
Keep the last remaining wild elephants in freedom
Last year about this time I was sitting at a small Khmer cafe when an exhausted elephant pulled up. When…
A little library in rural Cambodia with big dreams!
When you want to help elephants have a better life, particularly in countries that have known tremendous hardship and suffering,…
Ganga to be used in Navam Perahera in February
Navam Perahera—#NotOnMyBucketList The Long Fight for Ganga’s previously court-ordered release into Protective Custody continues to be openly and flagrantly defied.…
Court proceedings deliberately delayed by Ganga’s captors
We are angered and deeply saddened to report that court proceedings were shrewdly and deliberately delayed by Ganga’s captors, preventing…
The Long Fight For Ganga Continues…
THE COURT ORDER for Ganga’s release into safe custody from illegal captivity by religious institutions has been openly and flagrantly…
Positive Outcome in Court — One Rumbling Step Forward!
CES Stakeholders and Legal Counsel report that their faith in the justice system has been restored as 3 cases filed…
Formally-rescued elephants returned to their illegal captors
AUGUST 1ST, 2017 We are deeply saddened that the formally-rescued juvenile elephants in the protective custody of the DWC have…
February Full Moon Brings the Nawam Maha Perahera
The February full moon in Colombo sees the return of the annual Nawam Maha Perahera. The procession of captive elephants…
The One and Only Packy
Heart of Ganesh is currently out working in the field in central Sri Lanka, but we are deeply saddened to…
Changing Minds and Opening Hearts Takes Time
In mid-January, I was spreading our Humane Tourism campaign for travelers and our Elephant Love Project for children throughout Cambodia.…
#NotOnMyBucketList: Humane Tourism Campaign
In December we launched our international Humane Tourism campaign #NotOnMyBucketList, empowering people around the world to participate on social media…
Teaching Elephant Empathy through Play
Heart of Ganesh is on the road again, spreading Humane Tourism and The Elephant Love Project throughout SE Asia. Today…
Witnessing the Kandy Esala Perahera for the first time
It is our pleasure to introduce guest blogger and Heart of Ganesh volunteer Louise Chester who recounts what she felt when she saw,…
An update on Ganga: telling the truth until the truth changes
We would like to extend a big thank you to One Green Planet, for being willing to publish our recent article. As…
Remembering why we do what we do
We look at this snap to remind us daily of the beauty of what we are all working to save.…
The Fight for What is Right continues
Bhanu and Ganga remain stuck in the middle--not where they were, but not yet where they deserve to be. It's…
Sri Lankan cabinet approves special herd of 35 elephants for peraheras
Crushing blow...35 elephants will be lost to the criminal network of hand-shaking/back-slapping Religion and Culture. An appalling decision, and one…
Baby elephants remain trapped in a criminal network
Illegally-captured juvenile elephants remain caught in the crosshairs of a criminal network, cleverly disguised within the folds of Culture and…
Painting Elephants with Friends + Wine + A Good Cause = Activism Can Be Fun
If you live in the greater Portland area in the US, please join us for summer's first creative fundraiser--register soon,…
The United States has finally banned the sale of ivory
Big News! The United States has, at long last, finalized a ban on the sale of ivory!!! Did you know…
We owe animals more than a life in captivity
Although this article is obviously about polar bears, each time we exchanged the words "polar bear" for "elephant" the article continued…
It’s New Years Where Asian Elephants Roam
Happy New Year! suba aluth awuruddak wewa to our friends in Sri Lanka, and sawadee pee mai ka to our…
Some of What We’re Working to Save
Many of the pictures I've taken or posted of elephants to help tell their stories over the years are incredibly…
Compassionate Activism
We’re not just about elephants… "All of us are prey to the fear that it may be too late, and…
Why Do We Work For Humane Tourism?
One of our current projects is working for a new tourism in SE Asia, a Humane Tourism--because in a world…
This Is A Story That Does Not Need To Happen
The longer we work in SE Asia, the more we see firsthand, every single day, how “Ride an Elephant”…
Speaking Out, Rising Up
It takes immense courage to stand up to those who wish to silence all that you do. And yet in…
To Honor a Life Before its Death
We're on the road now, developing the Humane Tourism campaign while sharing the true story, in person and on the…
Step by Step to Freedom
To all the extraordinary supporters of CES, Heart of Ganesh, and Ganga- “There are so many unsung heroines and heroes…
“All powerful deity is the real-owner of the devalaya tusker”
It takes immense courage to stand up to those who wish to silence all that you do. And yet in…
If you love elephants, help keep them in their wild homes
The tourism industry is a big part of the problem for elephants and yet the industry can also be a…
Kat Blais shares her commentary on the Swaziland to USA elephant debacle
Kat Blais, co-founder of Global Sanctuary for Elephants has shared the following excellent commentary on the Swaziland to USA elephant…
Ganga’s illegal permit #198 has been formally addressed in court and steps are currently underway to ensure her safety. The…
Compassion and Action for Elephants
After an inspiring and productive time in Sri Lanka this winter, I've returned to Thailand for a time to dig…
For years before we met her and for the majority of her young life, Ganga has been chained by two…
The New Year is set to bring a New Life to Ganga!
Two years have flown by since the first steps for Ganga were taken, and those who can change her future…
Believe in the goodness of people and the power of compassionate action.
After several months in Thailand, we're now back in Sri Lanka, moving forward with good people all working together to…
THE COLUMBIAN: Bits ‘n’ Pieces: Sounding the trumpet for the elephants
Heart of Ganesh founder and executive director Sundari Sitaram moves thousands of miles from home to help change the future for elephants. …
What is it about elephants?
It's time to question the story, knowing the ending is ours to change. This 6 minute video with original music…
When You Can’t Turn Away
When I finally found the elephant I had traveled half way around the world to meet, she really wasn't much…