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Five Freedoms Project begins with Art!

Five Freedoms Project begins with Art!

The Five Freedoms for Elephants in Captivity Talking about “freedoms” when there are thousands of elephants living in captivity might read as an oxymoron, but “The Five Freedoms” were developed as international standards of care in 1965. And yet, enforcement…

Take it off the Bucket List

“Elephants in Captivity” is a complicated topic, with many countries entangled in its web via logging, patrolling, temple duties, and/or tourism of many shapes and sizes. More of the story is being heard as the mainstream media starts to pick…

Isuru and his Amma

Isuru and his Amma are quite extraordinary. They live a km or so away, alone in a dark brick house after Isuru’s Tata passed away, and although Isuru cannot walk or talk or sit up or eat by himself, he…

The Wonder of the Wild Ones

The wonder of the wild ones. I watch them and they watch me, and who knows who is really saving whom.  The conditions are challenging, the myriad of problems in turning multi-layered conflict into unilateral coexistence is not for the…

A Playground in the Jungle!

There is a little one-room school in the middle of wild-elephant lands that has always held my heart. To be consistent with the same 10 children several years in a row is such a joy, seeing how much they’ve grown…

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