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“All powerful deity is the real-owner of the devalaya tusker”

It takes immense courage to stand up to those who wish to silence all that you do.

And yet in Sri Lanka, the Department of Wildlife Conservation is doing just that–rising up again and again in the face of incredible odds to confiscate the innocent baby elephants illegally captured and cruelly confined by the Wealthy Elite and politically-protected Monks.

Times are changing and no longer will such cruelties be allowed unabated, no longer will they remain hidden or glossed over.

Many are to be thanked and honored for the changes that are slowly being instated, but today we offer every bit of our abundant and Heartfelt thanks to the DWC as they ceaselessly work to right these wrongs, creating a world where Compassion Trumps Captivity.

Read more about the ongoing work of the Wildlife officials here.

So many good people around the world are rising up in the way it works best for their voices to be heard: From legal proceedings to international petitions, from quite literally going door-to-door and talking to whomever might be able to help to creating a traveling exhibit of awareness and education. There are documentaries being made, presentations being given, volunteers working ceaselessly, and countless social media groups forming collectives in powerful numbers. Every bit of it matters, for slowly but surely it is tipping the scale to the good.

temple, deity

Art speaks in ways all of our words never will. For a week, we have been looking at this beautiful piece that tells the truth of a cruel story in a beautiful way. Thank you, Prasad Aluthwattha…

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