Why Do We Work For Humane Tourism?
One of our current projects is working for a new tourism in SE Asia, a Humane Tourism–because in a world where an organization can call itself a “sanctuary” and then paint the elephants in their care like pandas, there needs to be as many voices as possible, in as many ways as possible, telling the true story.
We never shame or blame tourists who have signed up for the “elephant bucket list”, for most people simply don’t know what goes on behind the scenes, and likewise, most people when they DO know, change their minds and make a different choice in the future.
We envision a world where animals have their own intrinsic value and where they are not held captive for entertainment or financial gain. We encourage people to question the “need” to ride/pet/bathe and take selfies with rescued wild elephants, and instead choose actions, any actions, to create a world where Compassion Trumps Captivity.
You can find out more about the “sactuary” who painted their elephants as pandas here.